Marty McGuire

Posts Tagged hostel

Mon Jun 27

πŸ—“οΈ Hostel & Get a Room on Highwire

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Join the far flung friends of Hostel for some good old fashioned Zoomprov. Thrilled to be a part of the latest season online programming at Highwire Improv, Hostel is a place where a hat can (and must) wear another hat.

More show details on tockify.

Mon Jul 23

OMG. Y’all. This is your last chance to see Hostel in our regular Friday night slot!

Get ready for improv that reaches the sky doesn’t stop! After this we’ll be slingshotting back past Earth for the Baltimore Improv Festival, but then our momentum will take us TO! THE! STAAAARS! πŸ’«

Friday, July 27th, 9pm @ The BIG Theater!

Wed Nov 22

Hostel Practice Notes 2017-11-22

You probably don't care about this post unless you're a member of Hostel!

5 of us practiced at the theater thanks to the kindness of Richard who let us in and helped us practice. Here are some notes that are hopefully accurate!

We explored the space and thought about ways to use it best. For example, we can bring the sidelines way forward towards the audience and give ourselves a sense of space by bringing the chairs downstage away from the wall, treating the columns like a back line.

Warm-ups we did:

  • Pass-the-clap. Around the circle, across the circle, moving around the room.
  • Vocal warm-ups led by Kim. Roll head down one vertebra at a time, bend all the way down to touch toes, wiggle around while rolling up one vertebra at a time. Make noises while mashing up cheeks and temples to loosen face muscles. Make sounds from different parts of the sound apparatus, starting with nasal "hee hee hee", then throat "heh heh heh", mall-Santa belly "ho ho ho", creepy dude groin "huh huh huh". Then go back up making sounds in reverse order.
  • Flocking exercise. As Richard played a song, one leader leads an improvised dance around the stage. Everyone else follows along trying to match movements. Richard changed song after about a minute, new leader self-selects and we repeat.

We did an exercise that is from Rick Andrews, though many folks learned a similar one from other instructors. It involves two players at a time.

  • Round 1: Audience gives a one-word topic. Players are seated and act as themselves having a normal conversation. Say truthful things that you believe or happened to you. Not trying to be funny, not trying to be characters. The conversation can become funny because conversations can be funny, but should not be jokey.
  • Round 2: Audience gives an activity that requires some amount of doing things and moving around the space in addition to a new one-word topic. Players do the activity while talking about the topic (not about the activity), still being themselves saying truthful things, not jokey, etc.
  • Round 3: Audience again gives an activity and one-word topic. Each player chooses a voice modification like talking more deeply or nasally or gritting their teeth (slight modifications only, no accents). Scene begins same as round 2, but the voice modification draws you into a character, so you can drift from your true personal stories/beliefs.

We were almost out of time, so we did a little ~6 minute set that started with "Real Talk" - basically starting with an input and doing Round 2 of the exercise until someone comes in to start a tag run or scene based on it. Any full scene wipe starts again with a real talk conversation and some object work.

Wed Jun 7

Hostel returns to the Single Carrot Theatre

This Friday, June 9th, at 9pm. And every Friday at 9pm, thereafter!

Tickets available now!

Sat Apr 15

Thanks to everybody who came out to see Hostel perform secondary screenings last night! Please enjoy this retro-active advertisement for the show.

But that’s not all! Come see us again tonight! 8pm at the Single Carrot Theatre! Tickets only $5 and can be found here:

Fri Mar 17

πŸ—“οΈ Two for the Road w/ Old City (feat Hostel!)

Single Carrot Theatre 2600 N Howard St Baltimore MD 21218
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There are a thousand bars in Old City, and, every Friday at 9, you’ll spend the evening in a new one.

The show begins with a warm welcome to stay with Hostel. Then Old City serves up their justly famous comic hospitality. So, raise a glass with Old City, and enjoy Two for the Road.

Thu Mar 16

Dave has something to say about how you should spend your Friday.

Spoiler alert it’s watching Hostel do make-em-ups for you at 9pm at Single Carrot Theatre! Tickets Only $5!

post from
Single Carrot Theatre 2600 N Howard St Baltimore MD 21218
Two for the Road w/ Old City (feat Hostel!)
There are a thousand bars in Old City, and, every Friday at 9, you’ll spend the evening in a new one.
Wed Mar 15

πŸ—“οΈ BIG's Free Open Mic, featuring Hostel

Single Carrot Theatre 2600 N Howard St Baltimore MD 21218
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Come out this Wednesday for the return of the Baltimore Improv Group’s Open Mic, with your warm and welcoming hosts - BIG mainstage troupe Hostel!

The open mic is free to attend and free to perform at and is open to improv, standup, and sketch performances.

Looking to improvise? Drop your name in the bucket for a chance to play in with Hostel!

Sign-ups start at 7pm, performances start at 7:30pm!

See you there!

Wed Feb 15

πŸ—“οΈ BIG’s Free Open Mic featuring Hostel!

Single Carrot Theatre 2600 N Howard St Baltimore MD 21218
πŸ“† Add to Calendar: iCal | Google Calendar

Come out this Wednesday for the return of the Baltimore Improv Group’s Open Mic!

The open mic is free to attend and free to perform at and is open to improv, standup, and sketch performances.

Just want to get some reps in? Put your name in for a chance to play in with BIG mainstage troupe Hostel!

Fri Jan 27

πŸ—“οΈ Hostel at BIG's Friday Night Laughs!

Single Carrot Theatre 2600 N Howard St Baltimore MD 21218
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Join me and the warm and welcoming players of Hostel as we do make-em-ups for you onstage!

In the first half of the show, let Aftermath build a tower of improv to the sky!

You’ve got nothing to lose but an hour and $5!

Tickets available here: